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Mehrwert can provide you, your clients and executives with access to the most important sporting events in the world.

Overview  Football  Formula 1 Racing  Tennis  Golf  Sailing  Alpine Sports  U.S. Sports 
Horse Racing 

Through our partner Swixmed we can find premium medical treatments which are individually tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of you or your customer.

Overview  How it Works  For Your Children 
For Your Family
  For Your Employees 
Medical Check-up  Additional Medical Services 

Mehrwert evaluates the students personal interests as well as their talents and gives recommendations on how to maximize school or university experience by choosing the right institution.

Overview  University Counseling  Private School Counseling  Tutoring  Psychometric Testing 

We provide a wide variety of personal support services to serve the special needs of you or your clients.

Overview  Transportation  Relocations  Personal Trainers  Staff and Assistants  
Style and Personal Shopping

Our cultural division is managed by Michel Herz, with more than 10 years of experience as deputy director of one of Switzerland’s biggest cultural event agencies.

Overview  Art Counseling  Art Travel
Art Services Invitation-only Concerts
Access to Art and Music Events

Discover some of the most luxurious chalets and villas in the world with refined service and exquisite beauty.

Overview  Summer Travel   Winter Travel

In cooperation with our partners we organize state-of-the-art events for you inviting the worlds most wanted celebrities, athletes and artists for an unforgettable happening.

Overview  Event Management  Catering  Celebrities 

Mehrwert opens you the door to the world’s most sought-after and family-owned luxury companies: the best of the best in watches & jewelry, food & fashion, spirits & wine, design & art or in automobile or sports.

Overview  True Luxury Time  China Elite 

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Case Study
A family office spotted a generation conflict within one of their families. The younger generation felt less attracted to our...
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